Citrus fruits are considered one of the most important fruits in Egypt regards to it the economic benefits that it enjoys among the other types of fruits.
Citrus trees are occupies the largest surface area in the farms. The production extends from November until May of each year, which includes the Valencia Orange (Olinda). The demand for this variety rose especially in the recent years after establishing its success in new plots of lands in the desert areas. It is an excellent variety that perfectly fits for export besides the possibility of storing it on trees until June.
Sherouk Land farms cooperate with the best citrus packing stations holding the BRC Certificate in Egypt (until the construction of its plant is completed) for the harvesting season, sorting, packaging and wrapping the fruit for export in telescopic carton or boxes pursuant to the specifications of the customer and the volume required by the different markets. The available sizes include: 36/40/48/56/64/72/80/88/100 and 113
The availability of the quality certificate for the seedlings is very important to ensure obtaining trees that are free from diseases in order to avoid losses in the crop as a result of viral infections.
Type of Soil:
The fruit could be cultivated in different types of soil, where it could be cultivated in light, medium and heavy soil.
Citrus fruits are suitable for cultivation in tropical and semitropical humid areas in the world. Most surfaces areas cultivated with citrus fruits are concentrated in North Delta; nevertheless, it is also cultivated in limited surface areas in Upper Egypt (south Egypt).
Water Requirements:
It is essential to provide the appropriate irrigation during the flowering period and the formation of new branches, which commences by the beginning of Mid February. Irregular irrigation may lead to the fall of flowers and consequently reducing production.
Irregular irrigation during the summer season leads to the cracking of the fruit. In general, productive orchards need from 3,000 – 4,000 cu.m. Annually at a maximum rate of 24 cu.m. Per feddan per day during the summer season. Citrus fruits are affected by the salinity of water.
Nutritious Requirements:
The soil investigation is regularly observed to gain knowledge of its content of nutritious elements and also to determine the appropriate fertilizing program accordingly. It must be observed that citrus fruits are sensitive to boron, sodium carbonate and sodium chloride. Determining the nutritious requirements depends also on the phases of growth.
Harvesting Method: Manual picking.
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